Our International Film Festival brings young people from across the world together to share in the magic of Shakespeare. Get answers to the most commonly asked questions on the project, or ask your own here!

Q: What will I get from the Festival as a teacher?

  • Four CPD masterclass webinars supporting each stage of the film production process. These webinars, led by professional film and drama facilitators, guide you through producing your own 30-minute Shakespeare film.
  • A step-by-step guide taking you from script to screen and a handy toolkit for digital editing.

Q: What will my students get from the Festival?

  • After approximately six months of hard work and practice, your students’ film will premiere alongside schools from across the globe, turning the Coram Shakespeare Schools Foundation’s website into an international Shakespearean cinema.
  • Our projects help young people build vital life skills, including confidence, resilience, teamwork, and essential digital skills.

Q: What other supporting resources will I receive from Coram Shakespeare Schools Foundation?

  • Fully abridged scripts by acclaimed writers.
  • Award-winning lesson plans to bring Shakespeare to life in your classroom.
  • Ongoing teacher/school support by a dedicated programs coordinator.

Q: Do I need expensive camera equipment to take part?

Not at all! The most important thing is the thought behind your film and the journey you and your young people take in producing it. Many schools complete the entire shooting and editing process using classroom tablets. Our teacher training sessions are designed around easy-to-access equipment and offer detailed resources on the technical aspects of filmmaking. You will also have plenty of opportunities to ask professionals specific questions through the journey.

Q: Can we choose the play we film?

We have seven abridged Shakespeare scripts that have been specifically adapted for screen. They are:

  • A Midsummer Night’s Dream
  • Antony and Cleopatra
  • Hamlet
  • Julius Caesar
  • Macbeth
  • Much Ado About Nothing
  • Romeo and Juliet

We also have professionally abridged theatre scripts available for most of Shakespeare's other biggest hits. If you want to ask about a specific script, get in touch here.

Q: How many hours should we spend producing our film?

It really depends on your school’s schedule and how far you want to take the project. Most of the schools that participate use the hours allocated in their curriculums for English and drama classes to develop their films. Some schools also utilized after-school activity hours.

We don’t have a set number to give out to schools. However, for your reference, last year in our post-Festival survey, we asked schools how many hours they spent on the production. Approximately 60% of schools spent 20-30 hours producing their films, and the remaining 40% took 10-20 hours.

Q: What kind of impact will the Festival have on my students?

At the end of each Festival, we ask Teacher-Directors to share how they and their young people have changed through the project.

Last year:

  • 97% of teachers reported having a stronger relationship with their students.
  • 97% of teachers felt their students were more ambitious.
  • 81% of teachers reported improved academic attainment among their students through the Festival.

Click here to check out our full Impact Report.

Q: What kind of impact will the Festival have on my teaching?

At the end of each Festival, we ask Teacher-Directors to tell us how they and their young people have changed through the project.

Last year:

  • 91% of teachers reported feeling more confident working with Shakespeare thanks to the Festival.
  • 82% of teachers reported an improvement in their teaching practice through the Festival.

Click here to check out our full Impact Report.